Blooming Biodiversity

Come to Albany this Spring for ‘Blooming Biodiversity’ the 2019 ANPSA National Wildflower Conference, hosted by the Wildflower Society of Western Australia.

The ‘Blooming Biodiversity’ conference starts on Sunday 29 September with a program including presentations, half day tours and conference excursions.

Greg Keighery will be the keynote speaker and Professor Stephen Hopper will give the AJ Swaby Address.

You can also sign up for pre and post conference tours to explore Western Australia’s’ wildflower regions

Pre and post conference tours

Kwongan and Woodland Tour – Wildflowers of northern heaths and inland woodlands

Granites and Lowlands Tour – Forests of the Darling Scarp and central Wheatbelt woodlands

Heathlands and Barrens Tour – Hidden gems between Fitzgerald and Cape LeGrand National Park

Coasts and Forests Tour- South West coastal forests and views


Albany is one of the world’s most beautiful and diverse locations because of its pristine coastline, myriad beaches and national parks. It also has a rich history both indigenous and European with these lands being the traditional home of the Minang Noongar people.

Furthermore, the South West boasts incredibly rich and diverse flora, most of which are found nowhere else on Earth. For example, 5,000 plant species live in this region. This area is also an internationally recognised ‘biodiversity hotspot’.  You can find some of the rarest orchids & carnivorous plants, trees & mountain bells are found here.

Species endemic to the region include the ancient Kingia (Kingia australis) and the glorious Royal Hakea (Hakea victoria).  Huge Karri trees (Eucalyptus diversicolor) grow up 90 metres in the wettest areas. In contrast, the Albany Pitcher Plant (Cephalotus follicularis) hides away in dense vegetation on the banks of streams and swamps.

The Albany Wildflower Show, with over 500 wildflower specimens on display, will be held in the week leading up to the Conference so that delegates can visit on the Friday or Saturday before the Conference begins.

Conference Program

In addition to an exciting program of speakers the Conference includes half day tours around Albany on Sunday 29th followed by a Welcome Cocktail Party.  The first full day of the conference is a choice of three full day excursions. You will be able to enjoy the beautiful mountains or coast around Albany.  Then on Day 3, you will have the opportunity to take another of these excursions.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about Western Australia’s wildflowers.  Find out more here.

1 comment on “Blooming Biodiversity

  1. I.want to attend the conference. My phone wont download the application forms. Please send a hard coppy to win Dockter 114 peet rd roleystone 6111 wa.

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