
9Days Action 6Aug

Defend WA’s Nature: 9 Days of Action

WA’s nature is in crisis, and we need your help to ensure it receives the protection it deserves. Please join us at WA Parliament on Tuesday, 6 August, to call […]

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OUR SUBMISSION GUIDE UBC worked with science experts including Cate Tauss, Prof Hans Lambers and Daniel Jan Martin from The Beeliar Group as well as the conservation NGOs Wildflower Society […]

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Yanchep NP.

Comment on the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan

Submissions for the draft Gnangara groundwater allocation plan closed at  5 pm 28 February 2022. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) recommends a reduction in abstraction of water […]

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Building capacity to protect our bushland

In 2021 UBC asks the question: Is Your Bushland or Wetland Under Threat? If weeds, fire, and feral animals weren’t enough threats for conservation of our amazing plants and animals, […]

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Is your bushland or wetland under threat?

In 2021 UBC has adopted a theme centred around the question: Is your bushland or wetland under threat? If weeds, fire and feral animals weren’t enough threats for conservation of […]

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Save Perth Hills Rally

The Save Perth Hills Rally is coming up on the 7th March! Make sure it is in your calendar. You can find more on their Facebook page Save Perth Hills have […]

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Rally for our bushland nearby

Concerned community groups from Perth to Pemberton came together last Saturday 20th February 2021 to rally in their own regions to say, “Stop the Damage, Premier”. The recent bushfires brought […]

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Protecting our bushland

The Urban Bushland Council congratulates the Premier and State Government for the respect given to science during the Covid-19 pandemic. Now it is time to promote the science of climate […]

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Biodiversity and soil health

Soil Microbes and Bushland Health Come to our next talk on Thursday 19th November, from 6pm at City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth. You will be able […]

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Biodiversity and macrofauna

The Urban Bushland Council WA invites you to a presentation by David Knowles of Spineless Wonders on the topic of “putting insects to work in your bushland” Putting insects to […]

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Burning our bushland

Why will indiscriminate burning  permanently alter our bushlands?  And why do we need to rethink how we use fire in our landscapes? Our biodiversity is going up in smoke: harming […]

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UBC June Walks and Talks

As we move into Stage 3 of easing COVID-19 restrictions UBC is recommencing its program of bushland walks and talks.  In accordance with our safety plan, we will be limiting […]

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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)