
Winter Bell (Blancoa canescens).

Advocate for Science and Conservation Jobs Stimulus

Western Australia has the enviable position of having one of the few biodiversity hotspots in the world.  And this should be protected at all costs. So, the post Covid-19 recovery […]

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Celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity

Celebrate with a Guided Walk… Visit Neerabup National Park which is a connector for biodiversity but is under pressure from development in the Northern corridor. Join the UBC sponsored guided […]

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Stories from the Urban Bush Telegraph

We share with you some of the stories from the Autumn 2020 edition of the Urban Bush Telegraph. You might like to visit these bushland sites sometime in the future. […]

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Celebrating Black Cockatoos

Black Cockatoos of Jirdarup The Friends of Kensington Bushland invite you to their walk and talk about the Black Cockatoos of Jirdarup (Kensington Bushland) Sunday 22nd March 2020 – 3 […]

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Spring Walks

It’s almost Spring – and there are many Spring walks in the coming weeks.  Here are a few to tempt you. Baigup Wetlands Come to Baigup Wetlands on the Swan […]

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Tawny Frogmouth in Underwood

It was such a surprise to almost bump into this Tawny Frogmouth in an Allocasuarina tree in Underwood Bushland, Shenton Park. Maybe she was a female. She wasn’t giving much […]

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Saving Urban Bushland

Saving Urban Bushland – piece by piece, year after year, again and again As presented to the Nature City Seminar June 2019 Why is  saving urban bushland from destruction so […]

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Two great urban bushland events

The winter rains have finally arrived on the Swan Coastal Plain and our thoughts turn again to protecting our urban bushland.  We now have the details for some great urban […]

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Greater Brixton Street Wetlands

Updates: Bushland Campaigns

Over the past six months, we have highlighted a number of local bushland campaigns aiming to protect urban bushland.  Where are those campaigns now?  There have been some wins, some […]

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Campaign to save Anstey-Keane continues

In Perth’s south-eastern suburb of Forrestdale is a rare and fragile nature reserve known as Anstey-Keane Dampland.  It is a 311 hectare oasis of heathland, dampland and banksia woodland surrounded […]

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No new WA Regional Forest Agreement

The WA Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) signed 20 years ago by Prime Minister John Howard and Premier Richard Court exempted the WA logging industry from Federal environmental laws.  The RFA […]

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Lemnos Street Bushland

LOST: The battle to save Lemnos Bushland

The clearing of Lemnos Bushland commenced in early February! The understory has been ripped clean. It is heartbreaking. And utterly despicable. LandCorp has let us down!. They have stopped at […]

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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)