Rally for our bushland nearby

Concerned community groups from Perth to Pemberton came together last Saturday 20th February 2021 to rally in their own regions to say, “Stop the Damage, Premier”.

The recent bushfires brought the message close to home.  Climate change is real and happening.  Our bush remnant areas and green spaces are needed more than ever to keep our cities cool and clean. The last decade has seen rampant clearing of high conservation value natural areas to facilitate ‘urban development’. Remnant natural and green areas need to be fully valued and formally protected. Otherwise governments and developers will continue to sell them off to the detriment of the wider community and the environment.

We will continue to see loss of habitat in local remnant bushland unless policies are directed at their retention and restoration. They also need to recognise the immediacy of negative climate change influences.

And here is a round up from some of the rallies.

Vlamingh Parkland, opposite Old Cable station/Montessori school

In the 1980s, the Mosman Park Community fought to save some of its bushland when a large housing development occurred on Buckland Hill.  The development went ahead. But there was a firm understanding that the Vlamingh Parkland coastal and river to sea linkages were set aside to conserve the environment, heritage, cultural and amenity value. Today this area is more valuable than ever, as road widening, and development encroaches ever more into remnant bushland.

Now, the Government is proposing to rezone 8000sqm around the old cable station with the intention of further urban development. But the value of this land for the community is far higher than the price the government will receive or the profits to developers.  We need this area as a green corridor that links the natural coastal strip to the river. #stopthedamagepremier

Underwood Bushland, corner Selby and Underwood avenue

The Friends of Underwood Avenue Bushland has worked for over 20 years to protect this 34 ha Banksia and Tuart Woodland. Read more here.

At the rally Independent candidate for Nedlands, Fiona Argyle joined the group. She, like the Friends group, advocates for protection and improvement of green corridors to benefit biodiversity, the city and the community. #stopthedamagepremier

Erindale Road Bushland, corner Lennox and Erindale Road, Hamersley

A group of residents are lobbying for the protection from clearing of bushland in Hamersley (site of the Hamersley radio tower).

The owners, Broadcast Australia, proposes to develop 13.55 hectares of land, clearing native vegetation identified as Banksia woodland. This also includes foraging habitat for Black Cockatoos as well as trees with hollows potentially suitable for their breeding. #stopthedamagepremier

Ocean Reef Marina and Bushland, corner Hodges drive and Ocean Reef Drive

A marina and housing development are planned for Ocean Reef, involving destruction of high value conservation areas. Save Ocean Reef is a grassroots movement working hard to save areas of Ocean Reef from clearing. These actions will totally and permanently fragment Bush Forever 325 from the main road up to and including the beach. This area is home to 43 listed protected species of fauna including 2 critically endangered, 7 endangered, 10 vulnerable and 24 other listed threatened species. You can find further information here and here and here. #stopthedamagepremier

Friends of Gelorup

This community action group is campaigning for the Bunbury Outer Ring Road to go around Gelorup – To protect the Gelorup Corridor and endangered fauna.

Gelorup Corridor is an environmental sanctuary where many species of native flora and fauna thrive (including several endangered species). This includes the critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum, which is one step away from extinction. The Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR) Southern Alignment will bulldoze straight through 71 hectares of native vegetation. This group are trying to save it. Here is a link to Ode to Gelorup – a really powerful and beautiful video produced by the Friends.  #stopthedamagepremier

Friends of Lot 9000 Sinagra

Lot 9000 is a beautiful area of local bushland that is worthy of conservation! In this bushland you can find Threatened Ecological Communities and priority listed flora. But they are under threat from proposed future urban development. Recently the EPA requested from the proponents of the proposed development much more detailed surveys of flora and fauna. They have also indicated that they will not proceed with assessment of the proposal for development until the additional information has been provided. Read more here. #stopthedamagepremier

Advocate for your bushland

We call on you all to advocate for your bushland! The best way to engage with politicians before the election is to invite them to visit your local bushland and show them the flora and fauna wonders. They can help to save our iconic Carnaby’s Cockies!  Then explain on site the extra government funding needed to monitor flora and fauna, for bushcare, to properly control invasive species, and to improve fencing, signage, paths to make sites visitor friendly.

Also talk to them about UBC’s Science and Conservation Jobs Stimulus proposal. This would provide jobs and community benefits that could immeasurably protect the conservation estate.

1 comment on “Rally for our bushland nearby

  1. Thank you for this great summary.
    I know there will be continuing action within these groups and others in the weeks to come.

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