Belmont Residents and Ratepayers Action Group

The Belmont Residents and Ratepayer Action Group (BRRAG) was formed 19 years ago for the purpose of providing an effective voice for the Residents of Belmont and to promote policies that make the City of Belmont a sustainable community

Our membership has a wide range of people who have various areas of knowledge expertise, and many have been lifetime residents of the area. They have seen the city grow from the early days to what it has become today. A number of these people attend council meetings and ask questions on behalf of the ratepayers. We are up to date with the latest information from Council.

Our organisation would like to encourage the residents and ratepayers of the City of Belmont to become more involved in the future of Belmont. It is up to all of us to have a say in how we see the City transforming.

Our meetings provide information on all the major issues of Belmont such as crime, planning, environment and traffic congestion. Once we know of the issues in your area, we will try to help you have it resolved for you.

For more information visit our website or see our Facebook page below.

Belmont Residents and Ratepayers Action Group Location


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)