Orange Trumpet Vine

Orange Trumpet Vine.

Common name

Orange Trumpet Vine

Scientific Name

Campsis radicans

Type of plant


About this weed

Orange Trumpet Vine is originally from the eastern United States and was introduced as a garden plant and grown for its stunning display of flowers in summer. These photos were taken at Baigup Wetlands in the Perth suburb of Bayswater.


In warmer weather it puts out huge numbers of tendrils that grab onto every available surface, and eventually expand into heavy woody stems several cms in diameter. In summer it produces masses of orange-red trumpet shaped flowers. The flowers are followed by large seed pods and as these mature, they dry and split. Hundreds of thin, brown, paper-like seeds are released.

Impact on Bushland

The vine itself can entangle itself in native vegetation and reach heights of up to 3 metres. Outside of its native range this species has the potential to be highly invasive.


This climbing plant is usually found in older suburbs or towns often covering old disturbed areas and road verges. It prefers sandy clay or black sand and can be found on flats, disturbed woodland areas and road verges.

Priority for removal


Management (hand)

Ruthless pruning is recommended.

Management (herbicide)

Not available.

Flowering month/s

January, December

Flower colour/s

Red, Orange

Information source

Additional information

Orange Trumpet Vine images


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