Sydney Golden Wattle

Sydney Golden Wattle.

Common name

Sydney Golden Wattle

Scientific Name

Acacia longifolia

Type of plant

Tree And Shrub Weeds

About this weed

This wattle originally grew in eastern Australia and was introduced as a garden tree or for restoration purposes in Western Australia. It grows to about 10 m in height and can form dense stands under the right conditions. Cyanides in the leaves can lead to stock poisoning.


Acacia longifolia can be a shrub or tree growing to 10 m high. It produces masses of yellow wattle flowers in winter through spring.

Impact on Bushland

Dense stands can significantly increase nitrogen content in soil. Fire stimulates mass germination of soil stored seed.


In various parts of the South-West Province usually in the higher rainfall areas. Prefers sand, loam, gravel, laterite solis on sloping ground or foreshores.

Priority for removal

High: a major threat to conservation values anywhere it has taken hold.

Management (hand)

Hand pull seedlings at any time of the year. Fell mature plants. Optimum treatment March to August.

Management (herbicide)

Apply 250 ml Access in 15 L of diesel to basal 50 cm of trunk, or cut and paint or drill and fill with 50% Glyphosate. Older plants can be ringbarked. Monitor site for recruitment from seedbank. Optimum treatment March to August.

Flowering month/s

July, August, September

Flower colour/s


Information source

Additional information

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. and Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia, Second Edition, The Weeds Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park, Western Australia.

Sydney Golden Wattle images


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