Queens Park Bushland

Swamp Paperbark - Melaleuca rhaphiophylla.

The Queens Park Regional Open Space  (map download)  is 12 kilometres south of the Perth CBD along Welshpool Rd in Queens Park, Welshpool and East Cannington and contains 19ha of remnant of Banksia/Marri bushland.

It is located on the eastern part of the Swan Coastal Plain where alluvial clays originating from the Darling Plateau meet grey Bassendean sands blown in from the west. This soil type supports the Southern River Vegetation Complex and is the last remaining reserve of this type in the City of Canning. All of the bushland in the Queens Park Regional Open Space has been given bush forever status; recognising the importance of retaining Southern River Vegetation Complex bushland and its conservation value.

A wetland has been constructed near to Station St, East Cannington, from a Water Corporation drain surrounded by highly degraded land. Not only does this provide a solution to excess water runoff, it also provides a habitat for local wetland animal species. An island was left in the lake and this has been used by swans to nest and raise their young.


Spotted pardalote, Pardalotus punctatus.

There are walking tracks through two easily accessible areas of bushland; one can be accessed from Wharf St, Queens Park, the other from Station St in East Cannington. Both of these areas hold beautiful, species-rich vegetation, including rare and endangered and priority flora. While spring is the most spectacular season for wildflowers, there is something special to be found all year round.

More than 200 native plant species have been identified in these two areas of bushland. And new species are being added to the list every year. More than 60 bird species have been observed; with the endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo using the area to feed and the migratory Rainbow Bee-eater nesting.

The Queens Park Regional Open Space contains the Bush Forever sites: #283 Queens Park Bushland and #424 McDowell St Bushland.


Access is easiest from Station St between Welshpool Rd and Luyer Ave.

Source of Information

Courtesy of Friends of Queens Park Bushland.

Queens Park Bushland Gallery

Queens Park Bushland Location


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)